Friday, 12 September 2014

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How to record desktop in hd

DOWNLOAD LINK: Click to download
Download the "Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen Capture Codec"software form the link above and follow me to record your screen.

1. When you are ready to begin, on the Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen Capture main window, click Record Ee341425.53abcbd5-e47a-480e-b069-2e18e6eef192(en-us,Expression.40).png. Red crosshairs appear on the screen. As you move the pointer, the center of the crosshairs moves to pinpoint the area to be captured.If you have performed a capture previously during the current session, a rectangle will appear around the area that you previously captured. You can recapture that area or, to choose a new area, click Define capture area Resize selected window

2. Select an area for capture by doing any of the following (you can stop the capture by pressing ESC at any time):

If you want to capture a window, move the crosshairs to the area that you want to capture. As you move the crosshairs, note that a solid red border appears around the various segments of the interface as the crosshairs move. When the solid borders encompass the segment that you want to capture, click to capture the image.

If you want to capture the full screen, move the crosshairs to any corner of the screen and click.

If you want to define a particular area of a window for capture instead of capturing the entire window, drag the crosshairs over the area that you want to capture.

3.After you have defined a region for capture and clicked the area that you want to capture, the Select Region dialog box opens, and the area to be captured is highlighted in red. To further adjust the region, do any of the following:
on, drag any of the black square control points on the region border.

To move the entire region, drag the anchor point in the middle of the region.

If you want to define another area for capture, clickDefine capture area Resize selected window and repeat step 2.

If you want to resize the selected window so that it fits within the capture region, click Resize selected window to fit the capture area The Resize selected window button..

4. When you are ready to begin the capture, in the Select Region dialog box, click Record Ee341425.d97bc301-7f43-4c8e-a7ce-f1e0f16931b1(en-us,Expression.40).png.

5. If you selected the countdown option on the Edit options tab, an on-screen countdown begins. When the countdown ends, a recording toolbar appears, and the recording begins. Perform all your on-screen actions. As you record, flashing green border marks delineate the area that is being captured. The recording toolbar indicates the length of your capture, the file size, and the number of captured frames. ClickPause/Resume or Hide to perform the corresponding action. If you previously hid the toolbar, you can restore it by clicking the Expression Encoder Screen Capture menu Ee341425.bb2f3cee-b8c0-41cb-a702-d553d78c95c1(en-us,Expression.40).png on your taskbar and clicking Show Recording Toolbar.

6. When you are finished, click Stop. If you previously hid the recording toolbar, click the Expression Encoder Screen Capture menu Ee341425.bb2f3cee-b8c0-41cb-a702-d553d78c95c1(en-us,Expression.40).png on your taskbar, and, on the menu, clickStop. Alternatively, you can use the Stop keyboard shortcut that you set in the Edit options dialog box.

7. After the capture loads, the Capture Manager window appears. This window lists all your recent captures. To open your latest capture, click the play button on the first capture in the list. This opens the capture in the Preview window. Your capture begins to play back.

8.To control playback in the Preview window, do one of the following:

Click Play/Pause video preview Ee341425.a5718083-a4bc-4bfe-b8d6-48fc2dbdbfe0(en-us,Expression.40).png to toggle between pausing and starting or continuing playback of your capture.

9. After you preview your capture, close the Preview window and do one of the following:

Expression Encoder Screen Capture saves your capture on your hard disk and lists it in the Capture Manager. If you want to edit your capture further, click Send to Encoder.

If you are not satisfied with your capture, you can delete it by selecting it in the Capture Manager and clicking Delete. To perform a new capture, repeat this procedure.

NOTE: All the information above is taken from microsoft original site.


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